Sunday, October 2, 2011

I am finding it quite difficult to write of old and ponderous things. Means and ends and reasons why we tend to all of these bends of will. The gold and mint of coin, the reason why a man will choose... the reasons why a woman choose. I am finding it needless to write of such things in drawn out words and sentences. I caught a feature fallow in my mind, once laid to rest, but now upon the witniss i would rather hence attest... in ways which catch my gaze towards my own self in novelty, to scout the hidden feature of what life shall bring to me..
Yet it is not purly for gain.

Once i might instill, or try, a motive towards the cell. To wind the features, endlessly, towards digital realms. Perhaps i would suggest that you change ways to profit more. Now in the end i see my place for lessons of  this subtle lore.

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